
Hi, I’m Robert Flores.

Is it time for a Life Redesign?

You’re the hero of this story. So let’s make it a good one.

After 40 years in ministry, I’ve learned one important lesson. Your best season can still be ahead. It’s never too late to reignite your dream.

I know that sometimes you wake up and realize that life doesn’t look the way you hoped. You look back and wonder where you went wrong. Second guess yourself. But here’s the thing - we’re done with that noise.

The life you’ve lived and the choices you’ve made have filled you with a wealth of wisdom and experience. Together we’re going to tap into who you are, the dreams you have and figure out exactly how to get you where you want to go.

I’ve spent my adult life dedicated to helping others step into the fullness of what God has for them.

Church senior pastor. College president. Denominational leader.

Now I’m taking all those years of experience and am dedicating my fourth quarter to serving and guiding people through life coaching. I’m combining everything I’ve learned with everything you’ve learned, and together… we are going to reignite those dreams and launch you into the future you’ve only dreamed of.

So what do you say? Let’s do it.
